DMI Washroom

The Fit-Out project for the DMI washroom involved a meticulous design approach, incorporating the timeless charm of white marble and the contemporary aesthetic of Gray.

  • locationDMI, Dubai, UAE
  • clientAn anonymous client
  • date2022
  • typeArchitecture, Interior Design,
  • ServiceDesign, Fit Out, Landscape & Pool

DMI Washroom

The objective was to create a washroom space that exudes elegance and functionality, the careful selection of white marble surfaces brought a sense of luxury and sophistication, while the gray added a sleek and modern touch. This unique blend of materials not only elevated the visual appeal but also ensured a cohesive and comfortable atmosphere.



The challenge was to strike the right balance between the opulent aura of white marble and the modern essence of gray, creating a cohesive design narrative.


The key was to create a design synergy between the luxurious aesthetics of white marble and with a touch of color gray. This was achieved through careful material selection and strategic placement.


“ The secret to the successful implementation of this project is simple. We just brought together the best people and understood that we were facing a task that is unique in its scale and significance. ”

Shaker Karajat